Monday, 9 March 2015

Year 10 Media Arts Short Film Production – Term 01 Self-reflection and evaluation:

Discuss your feelings about the production task: Please explain your responses:
·      Did you enjoy creating your short film?
I did enjoy creating my film, this is the first time I’d ever created a proper short film and I had fun whilst making it.

·      Are you satisfied with the final result?
I am satisfied with the final result, although I probably would have wanted to incorporate a few more different shot types into the film.

·      Did your film turn out as well as you pictured?
My film turned out better than I originally pictured.

·      Would like to change or improve any aspects of your final film (storyline, shots, editing etc.)?
I would have liked to change and add a few different shots and make them a bit more creative. Because most of our shots were very front on.

·      If you could start the project again, what would you do differently?
I would have changed our storyline so the film was a bit more intense and suspenseful.

As this task focused on mise-en-scene and cinematography, describe:
·      How you used specific shot types to convey the storyline without dialogue? 
            We used different shots such as close ups and long shots to show that our character was looking for something and to show that they were also sneaking around and didn’t want to be caught.

·      Whether the intended genre is depicted clearly or if this could be improved?
I don’t think our genre was as clear as it could be as our original genre idea was action although as we progressed our end film turned out more Adventure/Drama.

Reflecting upon your completed task, respond to the following points:

·      How did other people respond to your rough-edit? Did you use their feedback to make changes to the film?
Many people liked the general idea of our film but thought we needed to focus on the rule of thirds and framing and focusing our shots properly. They also thought that we should have made our film a bit more clearly in what it was about. Yes, we did use their feeback to make changes. We made sure that our second time filming that we focused more on framing the shots properly and keeping the camera steadier. We also decided to change our storyline, so that the situation happening was clearer.

·      Did your group use the planning and analysis tools effectively? (storyboards, shot lists, mise-en-scene evaluation).
I think Courtney and I did use our tools effectively, although we could have referred back to our shot list more often whilst filming.

·      Did shooting require more or less time than you thought? Why?
It required more time than I originally thought, at we ended up filming over 3 days.

·      Were there any problems or difficulties during filming and how did this affect your project. (Difficulties may include; shooting, technical, time-management, teamwork, absences or editing etc.);
We did have a few problems whilst shooting our scene where we filmed from the person’s perspective holding the gun. As we had trouble steadying the camera and lining it up properly.

·      Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to support your work? (Look at your blogs and consider if it looks like a terms worth of work);

I think I could have done a few more reflections after every day of filming and talked more about our difficulties filming.

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