Sunday, 23 February 2014

This week and last week in photo shop, we have been learning how to touch up and remove blemishes on people faces and learnt something called the liquify tool which is one of my favourites and i love using it. The liquify tool allows you to shape and change different parts of the face and can make it bigger smaller, etc. Below is my touched up and liquified version of Adriana Lima.

Over the past few weeks in media we have been learning about Photoshop and how to use it and all its tools. We've learnt how to select, crop, blend and more. We've Photoshopped two different animals together and i chose a spider monkey and a panda, it turned out great and i was pretty proud of it because it was my first time using photo shop. I did make a lot of mistakes and had to start again at least 5 times and get help from my teacher. The picture below was the end result and overall i am happy with how it turned out.