Discuss your feelings about the production and editing task: Please justify your responses:
· Were you satisfied with the concept and footage that your group created? (i.e. did the filming capture the essence of your concept?)
I was satisfied with the end result of our film and I believe that it did capture the essence of our concept.
· How did your final edit differ to the other members’ of your group? (consider the order of your shots, editing techniques i.e. colour correction, transitions, effects, use of sound )
My final edit was very similar to my group members’ our shots were all basically in the same order although our editing techniques, transitions and sound all varied due to different personal preferences.
· Would like to change or improve any aspects of your final film (storyline, shots, editing etc.)?
I would have liked to improve of my photo shopping skills when it came to editing as I think I could have done better in distorting our characters faces. I also would have liked to film in a darker location as I think our beginning setting could have been made a bit scarier and creepier for the audience.
As this task focused on selecting a specific genre, describe:
· How you used specific elements of mise-en-scene to depict your film’s genre and enhance the narrative?
We used the elements of setting and lighting to depict our film’s genre (horror) by choosing an old setting location and adding props to create an eerie/creepy mood for the film. Overall we used dark lighting to transform our film and give our film and even darker/scarier mood, which horror films usually have.
· How you used specific shot types to convey the story using visual language?
Our film was inspired by the film ‘The Blair Witch Project’ which was filmed from the characters perspective and looked almost like an amateur documentary. We used similar shot types (close ups, long shots, etc.) and filming techniques which mimicked this movie, to give off an amateur feel for our film. This demonstrated to our audience what our film was about.
· Whether the intended genre is depicted clearly or if this could be improved?
I believe our depicted genre is clearly depicted through our film.
These images show how our film showed our depicted film genre of horror.
Personal reflection and evaluation:
After your previous tasks, you were asked to identify aspects of planning and production which could be improved. Please explain which aspect you chose to focus on for this task and how you have made improvements.
Reflecting upon your completed task, respond to the following points:
· How well did you use the features available in Final Cut Pro?
I believe I used the editing tools in Final Cut Pro quite well whilst changing the saturation of our film and adding effects to each scene where necessary.
· How did other people respond to your rough-edit? Did you use their feedback to make changes to the film?
Other people seemed to enjoy our film but our main focus was on improving our audio quality, although our group got so caught up in using Photoshop that we completely forgot and ended up using our original media which was a bit disappointing for us.
· Did your group use the planning and analysis tools effectively? (ingredients list, storyboards, shot lists).
Our group used our storyboarding and shot list effectively throughout our project although we could have referred more to our shot list while in the process of filming.
· Were there any problems or difficulties during filming and how did this affect your project. (Difficulties may include; shooting, technical, time-management, teamwork, absences or editing etc.);
During our last week of shooting we had an accident with our camera and ended up damaging the lense so we weren’t able to finish filming as soon as we had hoped and it meant we had a delay on our filming process and had to wait until the camera was fixed or until we could find another filming alternative.
· Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to support your work? (Look at your blogs and consider if it looks like a terms worth of work);
I believe I could have undertaken more detailed reflections on my blog and could have included more information and added more reflections.